The Project
In partnering with Leica Camera Inc. I was commissioned to design external promotional advertisement for the 2018 - 2019 season. With three new Leica Cameras coming out, new promotional materials were required. The objective was not only to generate store foot traffic, but inform new & returning clientele about what Leica Camera has to offer creatives within the photographic market.
Design Process
The design process started with gathering the dimensions of our display and creating a mockup format in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator. The next step required the use of Autodesk's Maya 3D rendering program to provide a visual aid to simulate different lighting situations. This helped us determine what color palate would be most pleasing to attract potential customers. Finally, with the approval of Leica Camera Inc., the design was finally printed. The overall design spans eight feet in height.
initial design layout

3d Render
final live signage
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