Smartphones are a necessity in modern daily life and an indispensable item when on the go. They’re also an increasingly viable way for marketers to make their pitches to connected consumers. Nearly nine-in-ten Americans today are online, up from about half in the early 2000s. Pew Research Center has chronicled this trend and others through more than 15 years of surveys on internet and technology use. To mark the occasion, here are four key trends illustrating the current technology landscape in the U.S.
Roughly three-quarters of Americans (77%) now own a smartphone, with lower-income Americans and those ages 50 and older exhibiting a sharp uptick in ownership over the past year, according a Pew Research Center survey conducted in November 2016. Smartphone adoption has more than doubled since the Center began surveying on this topic in 2011: That year, 35% of Americans reported that they owned a smartphone.
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